Sunday, November 28, 2010

Launch of my FIRST project

Yup, it's out! Plan on this project few months back. I am really glad that it's finally out. This will definitely gets better. Will improve in time. Never know to it's so difficult to get the right type of kraf paper.

My mind filled with ideas again, but got to shelf it for now. We will surely work on improving i_kl project. It's really fun to work with freeform.

A little promo here, if you like this.. you can place your order with me. It can be a good Christmas gift as well =)


alcupacabra said...

So so so so so proud of you ;)

you get an A+

when you sell more than 50 sets,

you get A++!

YeanChing said...

AL: Thank u =) altho i dunno who u r, but i m very encouraged by you. ur affirmations, help me to stand up and encourage me to have courage.

alcupacabra said...

its my job!

lamerzoid said...

looks good! how do I order them? and how much are you selling them for?